• HUTER, a project directed by Prof. Carlos Simón.

  • It aims to improve assisted reproduction treatments and reduce maternal and infant morbidity.

Valencia, 14 January 2020.

The INCLIVA Institute has promoted the international HUTER (Human Uterus Cell Atlas) project to create a cellular map of the human uterus.

HUTER, directed by Prof. Carlos Simón, will provide a cell-by-cell view of the genetic and proteomic changes at the spatial level of the uterus; not only during the menstrual cycle but also throughout a woman’s life.

This project is part of the international initiative Human Cell Atlas (HCA), an initiative that aims to redefine the human anatomy at the level of a single cell in all vital organs.

The uterus itself is a model in regenerative medicine since endometrial tissue regenerates monthly and its transformation is executed through dynamic changes and interactions of multiple cell types.

HUTER is the only project that will work to increase the knowledge of the uterus for its clinical translation in regenerative, reproductive, gynecological and obstetric medicine.

HUTER’s main motivation is to better understand the human uterus, to more effectively address uterine diseases. Diseases such as myomas or endometriosis can contribute to infertility, mortality, and maternal and infant morbidity.

The two-year (2020 and 2021) HUTER project was initiated/launched on January 9th and 10th with meetings at the INCLIVA headquarters in Valencia, Spain, and will be financed by the H2020 program of the European Commission with a total of 4.1 million euros.

For further information about the international initiative, Human Cell Atlas (HCA) click here